James Blake returns with music video for new single “Thrown Around”
James Blake - Thrown Around (Official Video)
Earlier this year James Blake shared his views on how streaming and viral videos have impacted music culture. The music video for his new single “Thrown Around” utilizes a mockumentary type format James Blake play the role of recording artist pressured by his label to go viral.
James Blake talks about the lack of compensation for cresting a hit song
“Something I keep seeing is ‘if you’re lucky enough to go viral, just use the exposure to generate income some other way’. Musicians should be able to generate income via their music. Do you want good music or do you want what you paid for?”
Jams Blake comments on how streaming and the need to go viral effects the creative process
“And by the way, since it’s cheaper to produce fast, synthetic music to drop on streaming every week to capitalise on the strengths of the model, watch how the model is preparing you for AI generated music that pays musicians nothing at all.”
— James Blake
Music Video Credits:
Director - The Reids
Creative directors - Crowns & Owls
Producer - Will Preston-George @willprestongeorge
Producer - Rory Mills @rory_m_mills
Production Manager - Dan Preston-George @dan_prestongeorge
PA / Driver - James Lamb @*jameslamb*
DOP - The Reids & Fraser Mitchell @fr_ser
Sound Recordist - Rhys Adams
Prosthetics - Kelly White @kellywhitemakeupartist
Props Manager - Hayley Pither - @hayleypither
Camera Rig developed by Fraser Mitchell @fr_ser
Social Media Manager - Archie Madekwe @archmadekwe
Phone Thief - Louis Dobson @lousydobson
Tik Tok Dancer - Georgie Lolita Wallace
Tik Tok Dancer - Alina Vuong
Angry Pub Bloke 1 -Shaun Stone @shaun_stoneactor
Angry Pub Bloke 2 - Joe Palermo
Angry Pub Bloke 3 - Mike Kelson @mike.kelson.31
Angry Pub Bloke 4 - Steven Halo @officialstevenhalo
Angry Pub Bloke 5 - Kyle Thomspon
Angry Pub Bloke 6 - Luke McInroy @lukemcinroy
Edit - The Reids @*thereids*
Colour - Rich Patter
Lead VFX Artist - Mike Raymond @mike_raymond.2 / @archaean_studio
VFX Artist - Faith Irmak
Sound Design - Ben Brannan @benbrannanaudio
Sound Design - Timo Sailia @timosailasound
Camara / Lighting / Grip - NO ID @no_id.co
Vehicles - Lamb Brothers - @lambbrothersltd
Creative Agency - Lows
Production Company - The Rascal Film Company @therascalfilmco